Harmonious Flow: Finding Bliss in Movement

7:00 pm Wednesdays On-line


 Using therapeutic and somatic principles this class unwinds tight bodies. Slow down and enjoy relaxing full-body stretches in this class. Release tension and stress with each moment in our bodies and minds. Attention to alignment and connection while using therapeutic principles, breathing, and mindfulness with this gentle but deep approach. Facilitating flexibility, balance, and calm while discovering ways to unlock our true healing potential. All levels are welcome. No experience is required. Plenty of cues to make each posture right for you.

To make this class the most enjoyable, please bring to class 2 yoga blocks (or books), a yoga strap (or bathrobe tie, etc), a blanket, and a chair within reach. .

 Chi Flow - Coming Soon


Embark on a journey where the best of Yoga and Chi Gong converge to invigorate and harmonize your energy. Flow effortlessly through gratifying sequences that synchronize the physical body, mind, and energy, fostering a profound sense of balance. Delve into the inner workings of your body and its organs as we tap into the potent energy of meridians and energy centers, catalyzing a transformative shift in your health and well-being through liberated energy flow. Discover your Zen in this inclusive space where all levels are encouraged to join, and no prior experience is necessary

Journey of the breath - Coming soon


Our vitality is fueled by the breath. It serves as the vital link that influences every aspect of our physical being, from our bones and muscles to our organs, fascia, and skin. The breath is essential for the optimal functioning of our nervous, immune, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, respiratory, and circulatory systems. Moreover, it profoundly impacts our thoughts, emotions, energy levels, and spiritual connection. Conscious control of our breath has a therapeutic effect, influencing our mental, emotional, and physical states.

One of the few benefits of 2020 has been rejoining Inner Glow’s practice via Zoom. It doesn’t matter where I am but now I get to participate and practice. It’s a great complement to my regular fitness routine. Hope this online format can continue once we return to “normal”. Now, if only could figure out how to do the yoga therapy (Thai yoga massage) via Zoom :)” – Wendy Thatcher

Inner Glow offers classes for everyone, for all levels of experience. Janine is an experienced instructor, who always encourages participants, showing modifications for each pose to make it work for all individuals. Each class has a theme, allowing us to work on a variety of different postures. I have attended group classes at Inner Glow’s Studio, had private sessions with Janine and now am attending yoga online! Janine’s warm, welcoming personality always makes me look forward to yoga classes at Inner Glow!” – Leanne Booth

The experience is superior. Even though it is a virtual session Janine interacts in such a way that you feel like you are in a live studio. These sessions are not like most yoga sessions. There is more therapeutic application and for me I can feel the results of improved movement, flexibility, balance and a decrease in sore muscles and joints. Honestly, it is better than massage therapy! - Elizabeth Warren